A controversy at Connecticut’s Wesleyan University is symptomatic of an increasing reality. Commentary and opinion in journalism is declining as a roadmap to a healthy exchange of ideas. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Racism
There’s nothing good or funny about a side of people that people shouldn’t see. Read more →
It’s always possible that racism played a part in the incident. But there should at least be a minimal standard of proof required before a person is painted as guilty. Read more →

Did you know there’s a Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg? I do (I even know how to pronounce it) and today it got me in trouble on Twitter because I did what I usually do with NewsCut, I connected unrelated (though interesting) facts with something that’s currently in the news, in this case the effort to rename Lake Read more →

If nothing else, at least the Black Lives Matter protest at the Minnesota State Fair will provide a reason for the media coverage at the Fair to be about something important. Read more →

This picture of an African-American officer in South Carolina helping a white supremacist at a rally for the Confederate flag a couple of weeks ago had all kinds of symbolism to it. Read more →
Not to worry, Confederate flags fans. There are still plenty of ways to honor racism and segregation and all that ‘history’ and ‘heritage.’
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While everyone was focused on South Carolina’s vote last night on flying the Confederate flag on state property, another controversy over racial/ethnic displays was playing out at a museum in Boston.
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Another church family is waking up today to the smoking ruins of their house of worship.
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Wade Yarbrough, of Apple Valley, waded into hostile territory in today’s Star Tribune with his op-ed urging restraint in judging people who fly the Confederate flag.
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The defenders of the Confederate flag who have insisted that it represents only pride in history are proving that it doesn’t.
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Despite the small but significant steps to dismantle a symbol of institutional racism by way of removing a government-sponsored display of the Confederate flag in South Carolina, racist symbolism is still good for business for some companies. Read more →
There’s still no more powerful word in the English language right now than the ‘N-word.’ To prove it, we give you the coverage of President Barack Obama using it.
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It is odd, yet true, to think that the voice of Rev. Clementa Pinckney, which a white supremacist thought he was silencing by killing him, is now being amplified to a wider audience. Read more →
Today, a block away from where nine African Americans were slaughtered in Charleston, S.C., Don Lemon was again the target of complaints that he undercuts African American struggles against racism.
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