Franken isn’t talking about the quick push by Democrats to get him out of the Senate — led by presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), who provided the final shove — but whether he paid too high a price is still being debated Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
The Fresno Grizzlies put the ‘minor league’ in the minor leagues.
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Harriet Tubman isn’t going to be on the $20 bill. Not anytime soon, anyway. Read more →

Some members of the Minnesota Legislature and political allies had their feelings hurt by strident signs from teachers imploring them to get it together in the final days of a do-little legislative session.
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Can a state legislator be both a lawmaker and a journalist? The short answer is ‘no.’ That’s also the long answer, but a North Dakota public radio organization and a newspaper in Grand Forks are going to give it a try. Read more →
This is a preview of what’s coming as state’s rush to ban abortion in an attempt to give the Supreme Court the tools to overturn a woman’s current constitutional right. Read more →
The Minnesota Court of Appeals has rejected Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson’s assertion that requiring candidates to place a disclaimer on their political ads violates their free speech rights. Read more →

If Wednesday evening’s vigil for a student killed during this week’s school shooting in Colorado is any indication, it’s no longer possible to mourn gun victims without politicians and activists crowding out the kids. Read more →

The Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania is closing, an announcement that brings back a flood of memories of a panic. That’s when a president stepped in, Read more →
We’re probably never going to see the full Mueller report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election in support of the person who won the election, but a group of psychiatrists have used the redacted version to offer a clinical diagnosis of the president’s mental health. Read more →

A typical Major League Baseball team is a melting pot of camaraderie — whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos all united in pursuit of a common purpose. We could all take a lesson.
Except that sometimes, a different truth is revealed — a racial and ethnic divide that isn’t much different than the rest of society. Read more →
The Republican majority in the Minnesota Senate, with the help of a few DFLers — is trying to strip money from the Society in retaliation for its decision to add a single word to a sign for the Fort Snelling Historical Site Read more →
Sure, it was a lousy winter that was perfect for potholes. But this year’s potholes are also last year’s potholes which were fixed with Band Aids. Some cities have worse potholes than others because some cities have no choice but to let roads go to pot. Read more →

Someone hacked the website of the group trying to restore the name of Bde Maka Ska. Read more →
Only in these times could a candidate launch a campaign with a campaign ad about a campaign ad she used in a previous election that she lost. Read more →