If there’s anything that can be called a slam-dunk decision, next week’s vote by the Duluth City Council to declare a monument in the city a ‘local landmark’ is it.
It’s the only monument in the country that memorializes a lynching. Read more →
If there’s anything that can be called a slam-dunk decision, next week’s vote by the Duluth City Council to declare a monument in the city a ‘local landmark’ is it.
It’s the only monument in the country that memorializes a lynching. Read more →
Theodore Johnson III heard from plenty of people when he wrote his NPR Code Switch blog post about the racist origins of the song that has made generations scamper for the neighborhood ice cream truck. Read more →
This might well be the spark that leads to the end of racist Native American mascots. This is NOT ok and something needs to be done #und #siouxperdrunk pic.twitter.com/v4vaIdlAmQ — PaoPao (@QuechuaPride) May 13, 2014 In the wake of the University of North Dakota “Siouxper Drunk” party outrage, Native American leaders have finally found a Read more →
“We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate facilities are inherently unequal.” With that, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled several states’ system of providing separate and unequal education to the children of the United States — one for whites, and one for blacks. That Read more →
Isaac Kolstad, beaten nearly to death outside a Mankato bar last weekend, remains in a coma. Philip Nelson, the former University of Minnesota quarterback, is facing up to 25 years in prison. Both men’s lives will never been the same.
Was it racist of me to point that last part out? Read more →
The first grade class was supposed to dress up as a policeman, a cowboy, a biker dude, a construction worker or a Native American to perform YMCA during a talent show.
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The ice cream truck made its first appearance in my Woodbury neighborhood last week. It didn’t take long to recoil from its ‘fingernails on a chalkboard’ signature song: ‘Turkey in the Straw.’ Read more →
Take a sport played predominantly by whites and followed by predominantly white fans, add a city with a racist reputation, and mix in some social media and you have the ugly result in Boston this week when the Montreal Canadiens and Boston Bruins began their playoff series. Read more →
The NBA’s punishment for Donald Sterling has to hurt, right? Hardly. Read more →
The Los Angeles Clippers reportedly thought about boycotting this afternoon’s playoff game with the Golden State Warriors, in protest of the racism of the team’s owners. They should have. Read more →
Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher at the center of a high-profile fight with the federal government over grazing and the seizure of cattle, let his inner racist out, and that has Republicans who embraced him scurrying.
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On this day in 1947, Jackie Robinson broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier. It’s a sad day to roll out this report, however. Hank Aaron told USA Today recently about the hate mail he got while he was pursuing Babe Ruth’s home run record. “We can talk about baseball. Talk about politics. Sure, this country Read more →
If you’re on social media, there’s a pretty good chance you saw this picture, which was captured by Cleveland attorney Peter Pattakos outside Friday’s Twins-Indians game in Cleveland. Read more →
Pat Garofolo and some online friends were dissing the National Basketball Association, where the majority of players are African American, when he took it a step further by linking its players with crime. Read more →
Upon further review, the NFL may be more enlightened than the media portrays. Is racially offensive material more acceptable if it’s art? Behind the caucus night fights in Minneapolis. The viral cop photo in Saint Paul. And how to see the ice caves of Lake Superior. Read more →