I’m in the studio with Kerri Miller of Midmorning this morning to talk about the nature of outrage in the wake of the AIG bonuses. “I won’t govern out of anger,” President Barack Obama said over the weekend, suggesting he’d likely veto the tax on the bonuses passed by Congress last week.
Writing in the New York Times, Joe Nocera says people have gone a little overboard, what with death threats and all. He also notes that the people who put the screws to AIG are living a good life in retirement and nobody seems much interested in getting their money back.
Our discussion about Wall St. features Daniel Gross, the senior editor and columnist at Newsweek, who also writes the “Moneybox” column for Slate; Kate Jennings, a former Wall St. speechwriter (Wall St. had speechwriters? Let’s see you write one for this mess!) and Michele Boldrin, chair of the department of economics at Washington University in St. Louis.
As usual, I’ll have a parallel conversation in this parallel universe, and will drop in your comments on the air during the hour, which begins at 9. If you’ve got some comments now you’d like me to pass along, post them in the comments section below.