We’ve gotten a lot of praise over the years for the MPR Select A Candidate quiz that’s intended to get people to know, at least, the names of the people running for office. In Chicago, the same idea is behind a novel way to introduce people to news anchors at WBBM in Chicago — the “Which anchor are you?” quiz.
Some of the answers are pretty lame. For example, under the question “Who do you most admire?” the answers are “My mother, my grandmother, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Theresa.” Fathers? That’s so Public Radio, I guess. (Like Select A Candidate, the options are only as good as the answers given by the candidates, err, anchors)
Apparently I’m most like Rob Johnson, whoever the heck he is. But he’s got nice hair and good teeth, so that’s encouraging. It’s a pity he doesn’t think much of old Dad.
How long do you think it’ll be before WCCO picks up this idea?
Update: There’s a flaw in this. It would appear it’s predetermined what anchor you’re matched with. There may, in fact, be no relevancy in your answers at all. Too bad. With the SAC quiz program, I could set something like this up for MPR’s hosts in a couple of minutes. Hmmm….