There are cold weather tips and there are cold weather tips.
In Minnesota, for example, the sort of advice we get at this time of the year is pretty standard fare: dress warm, drink fluids, and don’t trust the ice.
It’s not like Wisconsin, where cold-weather advice seems to begin and end with the booze.
“The expert advice for Packers fans looking to brave the near-zero cold at Lambeau Field on Sunday is the same a parent would give to a young adult heading out for a night on the town: Ease up on the booze and keep your clothes on,” says the story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Alcohol gives that flushed sensation, a “feeling that you’re warm, when you’re really not,” said James Gast, a family practitioner in the Bellin Health Family Medical Center in Ashwaubenon, the heart of Packers country.
What are the odds anybody will heed the warning?