Monday Feb. 4, 2019
(Subject to change as events dictate. This page is updated throughout the day.)
Note: NewsCut is off today.
9 a.m. – MPR News with Kerri Miller
The Political Junkie. Ken Rudin previews the week in politics.
9:20 a.m. – How can politicians be better leaders? Is political leadership a thing apart from what we think of as leadership in business or other disciplines?
Guests: Keneshia Grant, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Howard University; Elizabeth Simas, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston
10 a.m.- 1A with Joshua Johnson
The New Green Deal has support on both sides of the political spectrum, often for very different reasons. Democrats believe this could be our new moonshot moment, but its detractors believe it could be a prescription for poverty. How are the politics of climate change shaping up?
11 a.m. – MPR News with Angela Davis
Alan Page, the NFL Hall of Famer-turned-Minnesota Supreme Court Justice and recent recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, sits down with MPR News Angela Davis about the second stage of his life. In the past three years, Page retired from the state’s highest court, lost his wife to breast cancer, had a middle school named after him and was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
12 p.m. – MPR News Presents
To start Black History Month: Part 1 of the two-hour documentary “Making Obama.” Part 1 tells the story of Barack Obama’s years as a community organizer and his election as Illinois State Senator. WBEZ documentaries hosted by Jennifer White.
1 p.m. – The Takeaway
2 p.m. – BBC NewsHour
The Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, ignores a deadline set by major European powers to call presidential elections, and has refused to rule out a civil war in his country. Iraq pushes back on President Trump’s idea to station troops in Iraq, to monitor Iran.
3 p.m. – All Things Considered
Student loans and buying homes; bump stocks in limbo; a preview of the State of the Union; the curse of the State of the Union response; and what happens when there’s a shortage of bus drivers?
6:00 p.m. – Marketplace
Trying to keep your principles while making a profit.
6:30 p.m. – The Daily
Nearly 18 years ago, the United States declared war on the Taliban, promising to drive it from power in Afghanistan. Here’s a look at why American officials are now offering peace to the same group.
Guest: Mujib Mashal, a New York Times senior correspondent in Afghanistan.
7 p.m. – The World
The crisis in Venezuela continues, as more countries follow the US lead and recognize the opposition government of Juan Guaido . Today Host Marco Werman asks two opposition politicians in Caracas what’s likely to happen next politically as they ask for new elections in Venezuela.
Also, we get an update from the church in the Netherlands that ran services 24/7 to block the deportation of immigrants it was sheltering. The family in its care is no longer threatened with immediate deportation.
Also, Facebook turns 15 years old today. The World’s Brandi Fullwood and Lydia Emmanouilidou reflect on how Facebook has impacted their lives, and the lives of many of our listeners, since launching in 2004.
8 p.m. – Fresh Air
Bridgett Davis is a writer, teacher and filmmaker. She talks with Terry about growing up with an enterprising mother who was a numbers runner in Detroit in the 1960s and ’70s. Before states ran legal lotteries, there was the underground, street version—the numbers. Davis’ mother did well, and raised her five children in a comfortable home that she owned. Davis has written a memoir about her experience, called The World According to Fannie Davis. Her debut novel, Shifting Through Neutral, was a finalist for the Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Legacy Award. Her second novel, Into the Go Slow, was selected as a best book of 2014 by Salon.