This is National Suicide Prevention Week, something you’re not likely to hear about because the journalism community generally believes that talk of suicide encourages suicide.
It’s a fine line some businesses are walking between a respectful honoring of the deaths of hundreds of New York emergency responders on 9/11 and taking advantage of a national tragedy to increase business.
An anonymous woman’s kindness at the fair, revisiting the Republican convention in St. Paul, Pawlenty’s sparks, iconic roles of the World Trade Center towers, and microfinance missiles.
Some of us are still shocked enough by the recent announcement that MPR News’ legend Gary Eichten is retiring at the end of the year, that we’re not quite prepared for the series of lasts that are about to follow.
In NewsCut’s continuing quest to sample the diversity of weekend entertainment in Minnesota, we give you the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion Parade, held yesterday in Rollag.