NPR again pushed back today against an Associated Press story last week that strongly suggested a pro-peace, anti-nuke group in favor of the Iran nuclear treaty gained influence in NPR reporting through a grant to the news organization.

The Ploughshares Fund gave NPR $100,000 last year to fund its coverage of the treaty negotiations and subsequent deal. Read more

Perhaps you’ve seen the Oscar-winning Spotlight by now, the story of how the Boston Globe and a culture of investigative reporting uncovered the pedophiles of the Catholic Church and the deferential attitude of other media that allowed it to flourish.

Today, the Boston Globe provided a little spotlight on the actual reporters and editors that did the work. Read more

Jeff Bradley used to be somebody, he says. He was a sportswriter. He covered the Yankees for the Newark Star Ledger. He wrote for ESPN the Magazine. He’s had his work featured in Sports Illustrated

But when he was laid off, he became more like the rest of of the somebodies in America who can’t find work even as they’re told the economy is zipping right along and unemployment is low.
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